May 2, 2012
Buddhi Belly
Category: Food
Thanks to Silver Bullet, I now have discovered a new love interest in the form of this:
This, my friend,is a cup of a divine yogurty-yogurt from a local chain called Buddhi Belly.
The first bite into this soft, creamy , delicious tub of sin sent me to the high heavens. As I discovered, it tasted really good with lemon sauce. There is something about the lemon sauce combo that makes it so addictive and lethal to your taste-buds. I kind of like the quirky looking logo too!
I wonder why I have not given it a second thought whenever I pass by the yogurt stand almost every weekend in my 7 years in Bangkok.
Right now, just thinking about it makes me salivate….
Whoever came up with this is an absolute genius!