May 14, 2011

Birds of a feather…

Category: Baby Milestones
Now, I don’t know what private jokes these 2 tots were sharing on their playdate last weekend, but they sure did look like they were having a ball of a time! This picture above was certainly one lucky candid shot, for, it took us a while to get some decent pictures of the both of them looking so brilliantly happy.
Spud is just almost exactly a month younger than Little Dude Baby, but she is just as hyper as he is. The last time they met and had some “proper baby interaction” was about 3 months ago, and, it was certainly very endearing to see how both of them try to interact with each other again this time.
Spud started out with a little apprehension and assumed the observer role while shamelessly playing with Little Dude’s toys. Little Dude Baby, meanwhile, had seemed shy at first, but soon warmed up and before long they were playing side by side.
Being already 10 months old, Little Dude Baby is now able to stand up unsupported for quite abit, and so was doing his stand-up bit every now and then. I could tell that Spud was quite the keen observer that day, and then she too, tried to imitate what he did. It was like Spud suddenly had this surge of motivation that she needed to do what Little Dude Baby was doing, and so, she kept trying and trying to stand up unsupported, but at the same time, looking at him as if to seek for pointers.
It was, like I said, heart-warming. 🙂

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  1. Vicky

    Wah! So young got boyfriend already ah? 😉


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