August 24, 2016

3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Game On Day 2

Category: Blogging

In response to LISAPOMERANTZSTER 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge

challenge accepted stamp
Source: Google Image


So. It’s Day number 2 of the challenge and I thought I’d get a little creative on this “new quotes” thing with the recent excerpts I have come across in the last few weeks. They may not be your conventional quotes, but quotes spouting from little bodies with big brains are quotes too, no?

Besides, they are pretty new so that fits the criteria of this challenge. And I present you…

If you leave the fridge open the cold air gets out because the cold air has invisible feet and it walks out of the fridge.

 Bang’s, Stomper Dad’s son on How does the refrigerator stay cold?  in Questions I asked my Kids series 


Mummy, you don’t call people fat that is rude. You have a big belly but I don’t tell you

 Son of My Crazy Life Blogger on Things My Son Says


“You don’t. You just shove a plaster on, give us a spoonful of Calpol and send us back out to play

Third Born of Lisa’s, Author of Kids, Crumbs and Cracker on the subject of injuries and moms being over protective




last one for the road from one of mine:

If you don’t give it to me, I’ll be very sad! (pout, pout, pout; ready to cry)

 Squirt (my 4 YO son) on why he’d cry if Spud, his sister does not give him back his toy car


Of course, there are rules!

  • Provide 3 new quotes on many topics each day for three days
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers each day for three days
  • Thank the lovely writer who challenged you. In my case, thank you Lisa Pomerantzster: Are We There Yet 
  • Let the bloggers you have challenged, know about it (it’s a thing, part of the shtick)

Easy to arrow my fellow nominees for this round:  

  1. All in a Dad’s Work
  2. It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes
  3. Kids, Crumbs and Crackers


This one has been fun. Stay tuned for Day 3 as I continue to crack my head to find new quotes.


Posted by:    |    7 Comment
  1. HAHA Those are great quotes! Thanks for including Bang’s “invisible feet” quote. Also, thanks for the shout out for the challenge. I’ve never done the quote challenge. But there is always the possibility 🙂

    • Most welcome, Eric. I really do love that quote very much. Tickles my funny bone! It was apt and this was a slightly difficult challenge for me. I had to be creative!
      Technically you have (somewhat) done it since you have ended some of your posts with a quote. 😀

      • Good point. I never thought of the quotes I end with. I almost always end my posts with a quote. Sometimes mine, more often someone elses. I’m about to post today’s questions 🙂

  2. Great quotes, and from the kinder too! Love it even more! M’wah. 3 great days!


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