December 10, 2014

A father’s devotion

Category: Being Parents

This video makes me smile and cry at the same time.

I watched this clip with much intense and I am moved by the devotion of this dad to his child who is suffering from a disease called Mitochondrial. Kenzie suffered from Mitochondrial since she was 18 months old. She is now 12 and fighting for her life.

What struck me most about the video is how comfortable and blasé the father is while doing the dance with his daughter. The smile on the girl’s face is priceless.

This video also reminded me of a dear friend who lost her 5 month old daughter to the same disease not too long ago. When she told me about it how sick her child was and eventually succumbed to the illness, my heart broke into pieces. I remember that painful stabbing pain right through my heart. Her daughter had the same first name as Spud. I never got to see her.

Until then, I have no idea about mitochondrial. This has been one of the most emotionally charged video I have ever since.

Related article to the video which has gone viral can be found here. Please take the time to spread it around.

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