December 12, 2014

Jelly Shoes #2

Category: Footwear

Can’t help with this one. I threw caution to the wind, tried them on, and spontaneously  decided to get myself a pair of new arrival without much of a contemplation. Knowing how comfortable these shoes can be, I was THAT smitten.


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The picture here doesn’t really do justice to the actual colour and the sparkly hues the shoes emits. It actually is more khaki green and subtly hued with glitters and doesn’t look quite as dull as the picture above.

I know I don’t need anymore shoes than I already have, but like I said, I can’t help myself.  It was one of those moments where I just had to have it. That’s not an ounce of regret.

Brand:Melissa + Campana
Cost: Don’t want to and cannot remember!
From: Jelly Dreams, Siam Discovery Center

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