December 28, 2016

Are you done yet?

If you are not yet done, you will soon be. 3 more days to make your rounds, circle the earth and back , then you are done, done, done! I’ll be glad that you do. 

Be gone, Reaper. By the virtue of what you have achieved this year, you will not be sorely missed.

Source: FB Newsfeed

Have been besotted by the colour of grief? Revel in the inconvenience of others? Rebel to create mass destruction just because it seems fun? What were you thinking 2016?

What’s with ripping people’s heart and soul? What’s with turning people’s life upside down? What’s with the massive massacre happening in the world? 

And Trump?! What.the.hell.was.that?!

You seem to have gone completely shit-faced crazy and drunk, 2016. Let it go already!

The recent casualties of George Micheal and Carrie Fisher were so not very nice… quite an unexpected shocker in my opinion. Not quite the way to close the year. 

Both Georgie and Princess Leia (and including the several few in your list) were the icons of my childhood, my teenage years and even into my adulthood. Always either a movie away or a song away. I guess they all are now finding their own heaven. 

Source: Google Image

Just like the departure of a beloved family member, Opa earlier this month who sought his heaven. (A post for another time)

A few months back, I wrote about one of Georgie’s song Faith playing in my head for days on end. It was like a blast from the past. This time, I can’t help humming several of his other songs as well and the one that stuck now is Jesus to a Child.

Nothing religious about it, yet so somber, so down to earth so so so very beautiful. His voice..oh my…his voice…


In your eyes
I guess
You heard me cry
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

I’m blessed
I know
Heaven sent
And Heaven stole
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

And what have I learned
From all this pain
I thought I’d never feel the same
About anyone
Or anything again

But now I know
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you on those cold, cold nights

When you’ve been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you when there’s no hope in sight

In my eyes
No one guessed
Or no one tried
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

Loveless and cold
With your last breath
You saved my soul
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

And what have I learned
From all these tears
I’ve waited for you all those years
And just when it began
He took you away

But I still say
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you on those cold, cold nights

When you’ve been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you when there’s no hope in sight

So the words you could not say
I’ll sing them for you
And the love we would have made
I’ll make it for two

For every single memory
Has become a part of me
You will always be
My love

Well I’ve been loved
So I know just what love is
And the lover that I kissed
Is always by my side

Oh the lover I still miss
Was Jesus to a child


2016 has been a hell of a roller-coaster. It’s been a year of chaos, of reckoning and of too much of many different things. I’ll be glad when this year is over. May we all, living or dead, find our little heaven.


Posted by:    |    6 Comment
  1. I still can’t believe it, shocked and so sad losing both. A beautiful post!!

  2. Spectacular tribute. 2016 saw the passing of many of our favorite childhood icons. Couple with all the other tragedies- Allepo, Crimea, Trump, etc… It was one hell of a year.

  3. Amen. So many tragedies. We are all ready for this year to be over. Out with the old, in with the new! Happy New Year!


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