October 10, 2011

Weekend wonder

Category: Baby Milestones

How often do we get to experience a multitude of moods in a day with varying activities that range from getting lost out in the sticks (frustration), to meeting some friends for a play date (wonderful), to watching your little tot go crazy on a trampoline (amazing), to finally getting her to nap in the car on the way home (relief), to have her refusing food the entire time (not again!), to having to endure her tantrums for 2 solid hours before her bedtime (stressful), and nothing you could do was able to calm her from her piercing wails (gosh! enough already!) as well as she rejecting the mother while at it (WTF!)

Okay. So we had quite an eventful Saturday, which left the both of us knackered, and me completely shattered.

I have to say though, despite all of that, visiting our friend all the way to Si Kan, Don Muang turned out to be quite a fun thing to do. It was our first time visiting them at their new place and it was nice to get the little tots together again.  It was certainly great to see some friends whom we have not seen for a long time.

And it was even amazing that we get to go into the trampoline and let the kids loose in there while the mothers sat around in it, and Dads circled around it trying to take some pictures of 6 crazy looking females inside it. come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever played on a trampoline before.

While the other 2 tots were quite apprehensive, Spud just bounced herself off the nettings once she discovered the joy of bouncing off the trampoline.  She not only bounced off the nets, she bounced off Moms and the other 2 tots too! I reckon she did that continuously for a good half an hour, bouncing around like a jumping bean. She really was having fun, and here are a few candid shots of her that day:

Recovering from a tumble
Wants to be let go
Monkey on the loose
Knackered…barely could keep herself awake
Light out…hands in snack container

Seeing Spud on the trampoline was priceless. She didn’t have a care in the world and, I have never seen her looking so animatedly happy. Just watching her go made my heart swell. 

She was so tired by the end of the day that she fell asleep without a fuss. We though had a pretty good day out, and thinking that a small nap would do her good,  we were quite happy that the day looked like it was going to end well…that was, until she decided to get superbly cranky when she woke up from her nap. It then went downhill for us.

The curve ball was in play as she remained inconsolable…and for some reason, I did not cope too well after she rejected my efforts to comfort her several times. (but we have made peace since!). Not sure what triggered her ultra crankiness, but Silver Bullet thought that her late afternoon nap could have something to do with it was nearing her bedtime.

I don’t have any theory on that, and I am just amazed as to how quick Spud seemed to have responded to the winds of change.

There goes to show that with Spud, we can definitely count on her to be predictably unpredictable. Still.

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