September 28, 2017
The Sky Spray-Farted Rainbows!
Here’s a question: How often do you get to see a rainbow?
Back in the day when we were still living in Asia, we’d be lucky to see one or two rainbows once a year. Or, if any at all for a couple of years. It may rain a lot living in such a tropical climate but really, they don’t come by often.
That however, has not been the case here.
In fact, in the last few weeks, we have seen more rainbows than I have ever seen in my entire life. The frequency of us catching the sight of a rainbow just about when it started forming in the horizon was incredibly ridiculous. It was insane.
By that I mean we would see a rainbow at least 2-3 times a day in between our daily commute. On good days, it was for 6 days straight, SE-VE-RAL times a day. Some days, we even had a double. I mean, after about 2 weeks of seeing them lurking around, these sights were just getting lame!

It’s like the sky mercilessly spray-farted rainbows all around.They appeared everywhere and nowhere within mere seconds. Gone just as fast too!
The last picture is my favourite – we were driving over the dyke and in the distance, there was massive amount of rain under the clouds that had gathered together in balls of fluff. Then, came the band of colours above the water. Right moment to fish out the phone and try to snap a good picture whilst being in a moving car.
I know, I know…this is getting old. Too many rainbows going on around here; like the one I shared before last year and another in the summer. Oh- so-lame! 😉
One thing is for sure: Autumn is here. We have now officially say goodbye to Summer and September is about make an exit.
In the lamest way possible, I shall be waking up as (when) September ends. I’m certainly looking forward to clearer skies and brighter stars. Here’s sending lots more rainbow to colour all the hopes and dreams in your life!
That last one is amazing! We get quite a few rainbows here, too. But certainly not that many! And spray farting rainbows is awesome!
The last one is too cool! You almost can see Carebears sliding off those things.
And I like spray farting rainbows too! LOL. I made up a word! heheheh!