October 6, 2015

Self-Improvement in 6 Words

Category: Blogging

Ever look up, and see that the month has passed you by?”

Eli, Coach Daddy posed that question at the start of his post and I immediately thought, “That was me last month! What’s the date today?!”  

But somehow, amidst September’s work madness, I managed to push out an article for World of Mom, worked on my Monthly Mystery Munchies and in between replied to Eli when he kindly dropped me a note inviting me to take part in his 6 word challenge for September’s Self Improvement Month. I have since forgotten all about this challenge when I hit the reply button to Eli with my contribution.

Needless to say, I have also completely forgotten that he would be compiling 6-word stories on the last day of September from bloggers, his friends, strangers and a few strange blogger friends that responded to his prompt until I saw StomperDad’s post on his version of 6-word Story Photo Prompt post 2 days later.

There are altogether 66 six-word stories on Self-Improvement which Eli compiled; mine’s #44. I thought it was going to be a toughie initially and did not think I could come up with any, especially since I was under a lot of stress. But his challenge got me thinking and actually, it was a welcome distraction to take a step back, surprising myself with just six words.  


So, thank you Eli for having me and however complicated the selection process is to be a part of it, I certainly have enjoyed this and truly hope to be able to partake in it again.

Here’s to not only a month, but a life-long self-improvement for all of us. And if you are curious what the 66 six-words are, hop over to Eli’s selected compilation inspired by Ernest Hemingway here.


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  1. Hey, I know Eli. He is a pretty cool guy. My six words are #9 ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Love Eli’s 6 word challenge. Well done! And yes, where did September go? Actually where did the first 9 months of this year go????

    • Thanks Sandra! Yours was the first, I remember and I love it! 9 months flew too fast! If I was pregnant, I would have popped by now and that would seem too long in contrast!

  3. So lovey you made the compilation! Love, compassion, and humour are such fab replacements for anger. My word, it’s crazy how quickly time passes and how fast life goes by, isn’t it. #Blog

    • Thank you Novice Mom! I’m trying to tell myself that everyday. Need to walk the talk now that those words are written up! Time really flew by too fast!!! Thanks for dropping a comment. Much appreciated! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. It sounds like you have been busy on making the best YOU possible. Awesome!

    • Awwww…you just made my day, Faraday! Indeed I’m trying to be the best me..it doesn’t always work out, though! :p

  5. Love that you were part of it, and that you wrote this post! I love knowing there’s another level to the words, a story behind the story. Stay close, that’s the best way to get in the next one!

    • I’ll have to thank you for that, Eli! I’ll definitely stay close. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by!


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