October 3, 2012

Rudeness personified

People can be so rude sometimes.

I don’t know what it is, but it makes me wonder what gives them the right to touch my tummy. They rubbed and patted my tummy when I was pregnant before, and now that the baby is out, they still pat and even poke my post-pregnancy bulging, flabby tummy to tell me that I am tubby. They make silly, disgusting expressions on their faces and tell it straight to my face that I.am.fat.

How bloody rude is that, right! Last I checked, unless you are part of my family or my bestest of friends, YOU.DO.NOT. have the right to be poking me in my stomach, telling me in utter disdain that you think I am fat.

But people do THAT to you (in this case, me!) in this lovely country called Thailand. For some reasons, as colleagues from a different department, they somehow think that it is their birth right to impose what they thought my physical self should or should not be.

The thing is, I KNOW that I am fat (hey! I just had a baby afew months ago!). And, while I acknowledge that fact ever since the birth of my first child, I am usually quite light-hearted when it comes to such things. I don’t take offence when people say I am “big”, because, for my frame, I KNOW that I am. In fact, I can even be self-deprecating when it comes to my flabby-self telling them that I love my food too much to want to diet. Or maybe, I just enjoy being fat because my love handles amuse me.

That aside, and back to what I pointed out earlier on how they absolutely have no qualms in telling people that they are fat, especially when it is true… is just not done. 

Seriously, how fucked up is that?! What is wrong with these people? And such audacity, too!

I mean, come on. What gives! Do they see me grabbing their asses and then tell them that they’ve got a flat, unattractive butt?! Or that I’d grab and poke their boobs and telling them that they need larger breasts?
Talk about Thais speaking up their minds…
There are then, the annoying brand ambassadors of sliming centers and gyms that lurk around at the BTS station doing practically the same thing. These people are just out for a kill to make you feel awful. These people would ignore that skinny person who was walking right in front of you, think nothing of zeroing in on the fat you and basically tells you in the face that you are F.A.T. by telling you that you need to sign up for  the program for you to lose weight. 
While the PC nonsense has gone way over the head with the western ways of the world where everything is absolutely fantastic and beautiful even though you look like a train-wreck who survived the last Sumo fight, such honesty from the Thais, in my opinion, is pretty darn misplaced!

So,  yes. I know I am fat, and I will eventually have to do something about it when I am done breastfeeding. But in the meantime, thanks for telling me. Last I checked, I don’t need your approval if I want to eat the fattiest cow on earth. 

And please. Take those hands off my tummy and wipe off that crazy, disdain look on your face. I may be fat, but at least I was taught that it was never OK to be blatantly rude.

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