November 28, 2012
Rock Buns
My first memory of making my first rock buns dated back to more than 15 years ago at Home Economic class in my secondary school years – a subject I was not too keen to do at that time. But I remembered liking what I made and felt quite proud that I could bake!
I never did try to bake it again for some reason. I guess I just forgot…
Fast forward to last week, I had this sudden urge to look up the recipe thinking that I could interest Spud to play with flour and dough and bake with me. She wasn’t too keen when I asked if she wanted to make cookies on a Saturday afternoon, and opted to watch Dora instead.
So left to my own devices, I started making a batch and I was practically done baking in less than 25 minutes. These babies are really easy to make and a good side munchies to have with a cup of afternoon tea.
While the recipe is pretty simple, I’m still not too happy with how it turned out – I accidentally burnt some and it was a little too dry. I’m still experimenting and will post the recipe once I am happy with the result.
Stay tuned!