December 5, 2017
A Re-blog: How To Tell If You Are A Parent
One of my favourite Daddy Blogger, Stomper Dad @ All in A Dad’s Work did a brilliant post on being the guilty one. And I cannot even disagree because each and every sentence (and more) is true:
You might be a parent if…
you’ve argued about socks
you had to explain the reason for washing hands after pooping
you get no sleep
you get sleep, but still wake up tired because you’re eternally sleepy
you’ve been peed, pooped, puked, or bled on
you have to be in three different places all at the same time
you could really use a free maid
you could really use a free cook and masseuse, too
you have answered the question “why” so many times you found a parallel universe
you can answer any question sufficiently enough to satisfy their curiosity without raising more questions
You thought you understood parenthood perfectly before you were a parent but now that you’re a parent you realize you know nothing about parenthood.
You might be a parent if you’ve ever asked…
Where are your pants?
Why are you naked?
Where’s your other sock?
What is all over the bathroom floor?
How did you get water on the ceiling?
Why are you sitting on your brother’s head?
Why did you put three DVDs into the DVD player?
Why did you think eating the whole thing was a good idea?
Who peed on the toilet seat?
What are you doing up at this hour of the morning?
Why are writing on the walls?
Did you ask your father/mother, yet?
Didn’t I answer that question already?
Why are you peeing outside when we have a perfectly good bathroom inside?
How many times do I need to tell you ___(Fill In The Blank)__?
What me? A Parent? Pfffft. OK. Guilty as charged!
Read the rest of his post here. It’s one of the funniest post I have read this week. Go ahead, stalk him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Thanks for the reblog, Ann! Being a parent is both a curse and a blessing. When we look back there’s usually more blessing. Though in the moment we feel cursed 🙂
You are most welcome! I love the post. It’s worth a share and I hope that gets shared 100x more!