February 9, 2015

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Category: Blogging 201

What better way to start the week with a little pat on the back with a nomination from a fellow blogger, and allowing me to pay this recognition  forward to also recognise other bloggers who are deserving of The Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

About a week late, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU  Swajithkas, the author behind India and Indians and (apparently as I found out) Faraday’s Candle too, for such a wonderful gesture as I am indeed very honoured with your kindness. Very Inspiring Blogger is a big word for me. Bless you, both!



As with awards, The “VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD” comes with rules:

  1. Display the award on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers, link to them, and notify them about their nominations.


Here are some facts about me:

  1. I am terrified of knives (you probably already know that!)
  2. I hate, hate, hate crossing roads…especially the roads in Bangkok.
  3. I would rather walk 1 km to use the overpass or a traffic light rather than having to cross the road, no matter how safe it looks.
  4. I have a total of 10 holes pierced in both my ears – 2 of which I did it myself.
  5. I’ve been fined for littering and jay walking and apart from having to pay a rather hefty fine, I  had to attend a separate counselling session for littering (!)
  6. Mosquitoes love me.
  7. A fire-ant bite on my foot when I was about 9 years old once left a gaping hole  and now I bear a nasty scar for life!

Over to you. Here are my nominees – again apologies if you have been nominated before:

    1. A Journey Called Life
    2. All in a Dad’s Work
    3. Ctrl.Alt.Believe
    4. A Coffee Break with Mike
    5. A Good Woman
    6. A Real Atypical Italian Traveler
    7. Faraday’s Candle
    8. Door in Face
    9. New Peace, Old Mind
    10. Dad of Awesomeness
    11. A Beautiful Disaster
    12. Outside Luke
    13. The New-newness
    14. Thistles and Whistles
    15. Last, but not least, one of the most inspiring yet: Stephiopolis

Please spread the love and check them out!


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  1. Well done!!!
    I am also terrified with knives, how weird is that? Let me know if you ever find why!
    Can’t believe you pierced your ears yourself! brrr..

    • Ann Grubbs 'n Critters

      you are!!? hahaa..haaa. Maybe that’s why we get along! :p Haven’t figured out why. yeah..crazy shit – teens angst! ;D

  2. Hi! We did nominate you, but you have a different name for our blog. All you have to do is add our name!!
    Hope you enjoyed it!

    • Ann Grubbs 'n Critters

      Oh? You did? Thank you – I didn’t see that, really. It’ll be my pleasure to add yours. 🙂

  3. Thank you for the nomination. I am sure you will understand that it is going to take me a bit of time to respond. But I will accept. Much appreciated.

    • Ann Grubbs 'n Critters

      Oh no worries! Take your time. It’s not an obligation…just recognition. 🙂

  4. Thank you for the nomination! You have a great blog 🙂

    • Ann Grubbs 'n Critters

      Thanks Angie! And you are most welcome. 😀 Enjoy and bask in the glory!

  5. Congratulations! I also have a love/hate r’ship with mosquitoes….mostly hate =)))


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