May 31, 2013
Greens for kids
Spud has never been too fond of her greens, but the two types of greens which she does eat and would willingly snack on them are peas and boiled green soybeans or otherwise known as Edamame.
Source: Wiki |
In fact, Spud prefers eating Edamame beans rather than peas at any given time.
Edamame beans are essentially a preparation of immature soybeans in a pod, and is a very popular dish most often found in Japanese restaurants. The pods are boiled or steamed and served with salt.
In fact, I am thankful that these beans have become sort of a safety blanket for us whenever we ran out of greens to feed her, and has saved us a lot of trouble as it has become one of the sure-fire food that would go down well with her.
I don’t know what is it with these beans or how she has come to like them so much or how long this beans-loving phase of her will last, but as long as she keeps eating them, I will keep on feeding her. Kudos to the beans!