December 13, 2014

Friendship measured by hearts

Category: Being Parents

I love spontaneous weekends! Especially one that involves an impromptu visit by a dear old  friend, a  former Bangkok-based expat family  with whom we have had many a weekends together, sharing stories,  hanging out  and, stuffing our faces with  decadent, sinful food as we let our kids loose to create their own mayhem while we parents indulged in chatting about nothing and everything.

It has been a while since we last saw them – the memory of sending them off  and waving our goodbyes from the lobby of their apartment when they left Bangkok  headed for the airport early this year is still etched in my mind.

My heart exploded with excitement at the prospect of being able to see them again  (they were fleeing from the impending typhoon looming in the Philippines) after such a long hiatus. Spud beamed with excitement and started bouncing off the walls the moment she found out that she would soon be able play with an old friend whom she shares a kindred spirit with.

The kids had a blast playing dress-up and we have gotten to the stage where we can leave the kids to play on their own while we parents chat away. Our home was a mess for a few hours with toys and food crumbs everywhere, but that is nothing compared to the sound of joy, laughter and giggles (and crying)  filling up our humble home for several hours.

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It has been a fun weekend and we managed to catch up for 2 straight days. It still is  a bummer that they had to go back so soon, though. Nevertheless, being able to just pick up where we have left is such an amazing feeling. We may live miles away, yet it is heartening to know that in our hearts, we are never apart; the kids certainly bonded well.

Till we meet again, Atillas!

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  1. What a beautiful post to start my week 🙂 Thanks so much for the great times, we say kids can’t lie, just look at the Attilas’ faces, they had a blast! Just like their Mum. Can’t wait to see you again, you are the best, ever!!! XXX

  2. Thank YOU! Your presence made our day. In a way, was a good thing the typhoon happened. :p We’ll have to start some serious planning to meet halfway soon! xxx.


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