October 12, 2011

CHIDlom.NOT SIlom, you moron.

I don’t know what it is with this country, but the traffic situation has really gone from bad to worse.

While I know there has been a few things which contributed to the gridlock – rain, flooding, incompetent boys in brown manning traffic as well as traffic lights turning green for only 20 seconds as some of the main culprits – I still think the whole traffic situation is a damn joke!

Just yesterday, I deliberately excused myself from a client’s meeting at 5pm in my attempt to beat traffic. And I got home at 7.15 pm!

More than 2 freaking hours on the road when it should have taken me no more than half an hour to get home from my client’s place. TWO.HOURS of my life which I can never get back! TWO HOURS of precious time better spent playing with my daughter than sitting at the back of the taxi.

Of course it did not help that when I told my taxi driver that my place is near CHIDLOM, he went to SILOM instead. And Silom, my friend, is on the other side of Bangkok from where I live; where traffic is a constant bitch and forever in gridlocked on at least 2 intersections with no nearby access to BTS! By the time I realized he has taken the wrong route, it was too late. I was, surprising mostly calm until I got to about 3-4 km away from my home.

I was seriously getting fed-up and fidgety as nothing moved in the last 40 minutes. While complaining to Silver Bullet of my situation, I was then convinced to get out of the cab and walk the rest of the way home. It is quite a walk, and with my heels as well as me lugging a laptop bag, plus drizzling at the same time, it was something which I have never been quite keen to do.

And all I wanted to do was really to get home and put Spud to bed as it was almost way past her usual bedtime.

But got out of the cab I did to make it home in time, and after crossing 3 lanes to other side of the road, just when I put my first foot on the pavement, lo and behold! traffic just started moving. And just like that, it moved! Traffic moved as if nothing had happened, and suddenly every vehicle was zooming past me.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs! I wanted to run amok! I wanted to cry! I want to bitch slap every freaking human I see. I wanted to banged up every single vehicle with my blunt heels. I.was.just.livid.

Feeling extremely defeated, I then decided to hail the next available cab, and within 10 minutes, I was home. I was late, but I was home, and put Spud to bed before I rushed out again for a dinner appointment.

That is all it takes in Bangkok…one wrong turn, and you are done for!

And yesterday was just not my day.

And I fucking absolutely friggin’ hate Bangkok traffic. With a passion.

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