September 12, 2009

4 Day work week

Category: Random

It seems that the 4-day work week concept apparently isn’t as far fetched as I thought it would be when I blogged about it a few months ago here. Apparently, a friend of Silver Bullet’s back in Holland is currently enjoying his 4-day work week and and and….get this: legally employed! In fact, not only he is having a 4-day work week, his girlfriend in yet another different profession, is too having the same perks and legally employed all the same! Not just a 4-day work week, mind you, but a 4-day work week with only 35 hours of work.

In fact, just about a week ago, Time magazine published an article on this 4-day work week thing that’s currently happening in Utah.

Now, ain’t all that something!

I’m only wishing employers from this part of the world would just, for once, consider this option for the well-being of their employees. It seems like the only right thing to do. And in truth, the only reason why this 4-day work week thing came to mind again is because I am currently feeling sorry for the bunch of us who have been pulling an all-nighter for weeks and months, and at present slaving our weekends away back in the souless office building to achieve the impossible.

If there is a world-wide campaign on a 4-day work week, I’m in! But for now, it’s back to work…

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  1. I’m all for the world wide campaign as well..!! $ days a week.. aah, already seems like heaven!! 😀


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