June 26, 2014
Eavesdropping Spud
My nightly little chats with Spud before she goes to bed is still one of my favourite moments of the day. We talk about random stuff , I tell her inane things – like I saw a nice flower on my way home or how she used to be inside my tummy; to which she would look a little put-off by the latter.
And, when Spud is in the mood, she would natter about her day and other random things that doesn’t connect up. Sometimes, she surprises me by bringing up little random topics which we had talked about several days ago ; conversation topics which I had obviously forgotten about.
Yesterday’s conversation was one of the funniest yet. This was obviously something which I had told her last week, and while chatting, she went off topic and went back to this very topic about how she used to be in my tummy. It went like this:
Spud: Mama. I don’t want to be in your stomach
Me: Why not? It’s nice to be in there, no? You were in there for a long time, too.
Spud: No, It’s OK. I like being outside. (Pause) If I’m inside your tummy, then I’ll become poo!
Oh how I laughed and laughed and laughed! I laughed till my stomach hurts. She gave me a confused face for just a couple of seconds and then laughed along with me.
At that moment, I wish I could freeze time.