December 23, 2014
WPC [Yellow] : Yummy Yellow

If yellow has a scent, it would be a scent that makes my stomach rumble. If yellow has grace, it would be one that makes my soul crumble. And if yellow has an attitude, it would be one that could ignite fire to the very pit of my gut.
All that yellow in a humble, rice dish full of aromatic spices just do.me.in. I was in the mood.
I was in the mood for something yellowlicious.
I was in the mood for something authentic.
I was in the mood for something modestly home-made.
And I’ve been inspired by The Daily Post Photo Challenge on Yellow that means something to me
That, my friends, is the yummy yellowlicious Chicken Biryani powered by my cheat-sheet of Shan’s spice mix …and one that was sprinkled with lots of tender love and endearing passion of mouth-watering grains of yellows.
Recipe of the Chicken Biryani to follow in a later post, I promise!
Super well done! 🙂
Thank you! And thank YOU! 😀