September 20, 2012

Weekend family bonding

Category: Being Parents

Our weekend is not always a breeze, but once in a while, even though they all don’t happen in one day, we do get the really odd occasion when everything seems all relaxed for the moment.

Starting a weekend morning lazing in bed
Some quality time with our feline friend in the day
Ending the weekend with well-behaved kids!

These were all impromptu and candid shots I found from about a month ago when things were fairly normal.

We had a rather rough weekend this week, but pictures like these make me smile. As dysfunctional as our family can sometimes be (thanks to the kids and my tendency of being rather high-strung), times like these DO happen. And when it happens, it makes having a family and parenting (almost!) all worth it.

We have only got each other and that our weekend family bonding time can (sometimes!) be quite endearing.

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