May 9, 2015

Versatile (Mommy) Blogger Award

Category: Awards

Me??? Me?!! Me!!! Not only “just”  for Versatile Blogger Award nominated today by Barb Knowles mind you,  but also for being nominated as Silver Lining Mama’s  favourite Versatile MOMMY Blogger .

Whoahhh! 2 awards in a day! What honour! And just how crazy is that?!I’m still very jet-lagged, having just landed in Bangkok several hours ago and, already my head is spinning. In a good way.

This is too cool! And,  suddenly, I’m just not that sleepy anymore. Mmmmm…there goes my every intention of going to bed by 9 p.m! (or I’ll procrastinate till the cows come home. I still do have a couple outstanding ones which I haven’t yet responded)

So here’s my deep, heart-felt (and in the words of Barb Knowles), “KAZILLION” thank you (to the power of 100) to Barb and Jan for thinking of me. I’m floored. I’m glad that if I faint, the floor will always be there to catch me.

Getting a shout-out by Silver Lining Mama’s combination of “favourite” + “mommy” in a single sentence makes this award that much more special as she has dedicated this award nomination to celebrate Mother’s Day, recognising moms who blog, at the same time get to know as many new blogs as you can to share with her. She has asked for Who is your favorite mommy blogger and requested that you nominate your favourite Mommy Blogger in the Comments for the Versatile Mommy Blogger Award which she has customized for this occasion.

My nomination for Versatile Mommy Blogger Award as indicated in Silver Lining Mama’s comments is But I Smile Anyway. The author, Ritu, is an award-loving, power-blogger and a working mom whom I have been following and who continues to purge post after posts several times a day, everyday!  How she does it, I haven’t a clue.

So here goes to add yet another badge for the blog, Yay!



  • Thank the person who gave you this award, and include a link to their blog. (done as above!)
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

My 15 nominations are mostly blogs which I have recently discovered and the rest indicated with ** are already a few of my favourite reads because of their versatility in the way they write or just getting creative with their takes on topics and/or creation of recipes:

  1. **Eat, Play, Clove
  2. **My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows
  3. Another Day in Mommadise
  4. Stories in The Struggle
  5. **Harsh Reality (I suppose this celebrity-blogger doesn’t mind a shout-out. He spins out really good shit)
  6. Life in Between
  7. Bits & Bobs
  8. **Estelea’s Blog
  9. **Hold Me, Don’t Hold Me
  10. **The Joy of Cooking for Little Assholes
  11. **All in a Dad’s Work
  12. Smile Like I Meant It
  13. India and Indians
  14.  AhDad!
  15. Red Hot Chilli Mother


Congratulations to the nominees! You certainly are not obligated to respond to this  if you just decide not to participate for whatever reasons, or, if it is against your blog policy which I am not aware of. Otherwise, I hope this would bring some traffic your way!

To both Barb and Silver Lining Mama, here are the 7 (dare I say, useless facts?) things about me:

  1. I love spicy food. Recently discovered a sprinkle of Bhut Jolokia Top 5 hottest peppers in the world) does wonders to my food!
  2. I have a weakness for macaroons (so please send them my way if you are thinking of me and write it off as charity)
  3. I wear my watch on my right -hand even though I’m right-handed and I’m quite comfortable using my left-hand for some things that I do…like using the knife on my left and the fork on my right as one example.
  4. I love music but cannot for the life of me play any instruments or sing.
  5. Love, love, love to read (at least I used to read  A LOT. Before kids).
  6. Loud, crowded places bother me. Much. Unless it’s a concert.
  7. I lost 7 or 8 of my toe-nails at one go from feet-trauma as a result of climbing Mount Kinabalu – the highest mountain in South East Asia. They hurt like hell before falling off!

To Barb Knowles and Silver Lining Mama, thank you once again for the nomination. You made this jet-lagged Mommy very happy today.

And in no-relation to this award post at all, and not quite remembering when the actual Mother’s Day really is (honest to God! I’ve forgotten about it because for the longest time, Thais celebrate the Queen’s birthday as the country’s official Mother’s Day sometime, I think, in August), here’s Grubbs  ‘n Critters wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day!

© Grubbs ‘n Critters

Posted by:    |    9 Comment
  1. Jan

    As always, your post makes me smile. 🙂 Awesome choices on the nominees, I’ll be sure to check those too.

  2. Well done on both of the awards – I am surprised you haven’t received one before! Nevertheless, congratulations on this wonderful achievement. Your blog is always a pleasure to read with loads of informative and interesting posts to read! 🙂 xx

    • LOL – I was getting worried that no one likes my blog! :p Thank you Manny for your kind and encouraging words. Sorry I couldn’t reply to your comments sooner. Really glad to know that you like the read. 🙂

  3. Thanks for including me on your list! I will have to check out some of the other blogs who made the cut!

  4. Thank you so much Ann!

  5. Thanks for the nomination! Weird though that I didn’t get a ping notification, yet. Good thing I read it 😀 Happy Mother’s Day! (I’m assuming it’s still Mother’s Day in Bangkok)


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