December 25, 2014

Thou shall hath no fear

Category: Critter Stories




If there is one thing I could learn from 4 year olds, it is that fear has no place in one’s mind. It has no relevance to the immediate need for exhilarating exploration, and focusing only on the need for a real excitement in that very moment.  With no real depth perception how deep the water actually is, these kids just went for a jump. And then repeated their jumps several times over without prompting, grinning and laughing their hearts away while they were at it.

While I had cringed at the height of the table – a sight which stunned me a little as I walked out of the bathroom mid-way through Spud’s swimming lesson, she took it all like a champ. I even had to compose and stopped myself from freaking out when I first saw her standing at the edge of the table,all ready to take a plunge while I try to mightily fake an encouraging smile with  my heart racing a thousand miles a minute!

But those kids…man! Those kids are ruthless. They are ruthlessly confident water rats and they put me to shame for being such a big wuss. And how Spud loves her jumps, squealing away as she goes into the water from such a height. It was a heart-racing  but an incredible sight to watch her orchestrating her every move and then focused her jump right into the hoop:



Fear just doesn’t exist and Spud has shown me how.

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