An article from about 2 weeks ago on Ugly Singaporean Parents caught my eyes. Being a parent myself, I can’t help but felt an overwhelming sense of disdain for the parents’ show of behaviours in question right after reading it.
In the article, it mentioned that a parent had actually filed a police complaint when a primary school teacher re-trimmed her son’s S$60 haircut despite several warnings by the school to keep his hair tidy.
How absurd is that! I would have thought that schools have rules for a reason, and both parents and child will just have to learn to deal with it. And as for complaining to the school that they felt the teachers came from a non-branded school, well, I’d say that if they really are not happy with it, then they DO have the freedom to send their kids somewhere else.
What I don’t quite get is how people could get away with such unreasonable behaviours. A set of behaviours so ridiculous that I would akin it to that of a ludicrous 3 year old child throwing a temper tantrum.
And guess what should you do to a 3 year old who does that? You ignore them – because the more you entertain such things, the more they clamber all over your head.
How is it that these parents have such a warped sense of entitlement? Does being more educated and well to do make them more childish and immature? What kind of message are they sending to their kids, and most importantly, what will become of the society as the future generation progress? Are parents of our generation no longer disciplining their kids, and as a result these kids grow up thinking that the world owes them?
It scares me to think that both Spud and Squirt are likely to grow up in a society so full of selfish beings, who, with the said society’s enormous sense of self- centredness, is likely to become the big bullies of the world.
My only hope is that when that happens, they (our kids) would be in a position to defend themselves against the big bullies of the world and do what is right; for (we hope!) they have been exposed from a young age that there is no room for such nonsensical behaviours of embracing an overbearing sense of entitlement.