October 14, 2015
Teasing Sleeping Kids
Let sleeping kids lie. It’s a sound advice for any parents to heed and this is no exception for me. The only thing is, I love teasing sleeping kids just to see how they react when their brains are half asleep. I can’t help myself sometimes.
I admit that I wouldn’t dare attempt it on Spud. It’s just the way she’s been wired since she was a baby as she gets absolutely grumpy if she’s being woken up. She’d raise absolute hell and she’d get into a crying fit that would last for an hour especially when she wakes up startled. So, with Spud, I check on her as quietly as I could, give her a kiss, straighten her blanket (she gets upset if she wakes up in the middle of the night and discovers that her blanket is not straight!), ask her gently if she’s OK (she usually just nods and violently turns around) and then I leave her alone.
It’s different with Squirt. As I discovered, he would still attempt to engage you in a conversation while still half asleep. He doesn’t get upset or angry, he just indulges with his eyes closed. I always leave his room smiling after our little sleepy conversation when I check up on him every night before going to bed. The other night, I was in a mood for a little mischief when I checked on him at almost midnight:
Me (after turning on his night light and speaking in whispers): Wakey, wakey! It’s morrrrniiiiiing!
Squirt (stirring, eyes closed): uhhhh? Noooo..it’s not morning.
Me (whispering and giggling): Yes, it is. You have to wake up now.
Squirt(eyes still closed): It’s…it’s…not…morning. I ….I..need to sleep.
Me : It IS morning. It’s 12 a.m. and so that’s considered morning
Squirt (eyes half opened before shutting them again): Nooooo…I’m tired. Turn off ..the…*yawn*…light, mama…
Me: Yes I’ll turn off the light. I’m just checking on you.
Squirt: Puuhleeeaaasse…off the light…not morning
Me (giggling): Are you tired?
Squirt (still asleep): Yessss….I want hug. (then lifting his head up) I want the mama to sleep. *plonk head on pillow* (he always says “the mama or the papa” and by that sentence he means he wants me to lie down by his side)
Me: I’ll lie down with you for a while.
Squirt: OK
Me: Want some chocolate?
Squirt: *nods his head*
Me: Ice-cream?
Squirt: *shook his head* Mama hug.
Me (sniffing his head): You are a smelly monkey
Squirt (eyes STILL closed): I’m NOT smelly.
Me: yes, you are. Smelly, smelly monkey. ( I then smooched his ample cheeks, noises and all)
Squirt: Not smelly. I’m NOT a monkey. NOT monkey *pout*
Me: But smelly is nice. It’s nice smelly. (I continue the smooches)
Squirt: That’s enough. Enough, mama! (He pushes me away, eyes still closed)
Me: (Giggling and another smooch)
Squirt: Enough…that’s enough.
Me: OK. Go to sleep now. I’ll see you tomorrow, OK!
Squirt: Okaaaaay.
Me: Welterusten, sweetheart. I love you.
Squirt (about to snore): Love you too, Mama. Night, night

With that, I melted. I then ruffled his hair, gave him another big fat smooch and tucked in his blanket to the sides of the bed before I finally turn out his night light. I left the room with a big grin on my face and a heart so full.
Do you tease your kids when they are fast asleep? Or do you just let the sleeping kids lie?
HAHAHA. That’s too funny. I let sleeping kids lie. However, this could be a lot of fun with Crash. Bang is much like Spud in the fact that if he is woken he’ll be a cranky bear. But Crash on the hand would be comical. I’ll have to try this tonight 🙂
Heee…heheh. It was amusing! I’m not sure if it’s a good advice to encourage you to try it, but!when you do, tell us about it! I’m curious the effect it has on your kid. BWahahhahaaa! Those two should meet – they’ll probably get along very well what with their crankiness and all! 😀
Too funny! Most parents are doing the happy dance when kids are finally asleep….but you….you’re something else 🙂
:p can’t help myself! Oh yes, I do the happy dance, too! But, Squirt is such fun and a sport when it comes to such things (I mean fun for me…heheheheeeee!) ;D
Hehehehe… you are so mean 😉
LOL. *Evil* parents at work! 😀 Shhhh..don’t tell anyone. Hahahha!
Alas my boys are too old to be tucked in a checked now, but I think this could make a fabulous late night game to play on the hubster when I can’t sleep *evil laugh*
Thanks for linking up, Tracey Xx #abitofeverything
Hahahhaaa! That could be fun, Tracey…hopefully yo ujust don;t get elbowed or swatted in the head from an annoyed hubster! :p (so sorry this reply came sooo late!)
I usually let Avery sleep but I have a bad habit of taking pictures of her when she is sleeping. She looks so cute when she sleeps I can’t help it! Of course the sound of the flash usually wakes her up but for the most part she goes back to sleep.
Awwww…it’s so tempting to take pictures, isn’t it! The only reason I don’t do that is because my phone camera doesn’t quite capture a good image in the dark (even with flash) and I’d have to turn on the lights…which would probably be mayhem. Hehehee..! Keep on clicking, Autumn! 🙂