March 30, 2015

Just a tad of madness

Fun would not have been the word to describe my rather eventful days last week and my head has been a little more than scrambled to even write a coherent sentence for several blog posts which I had intended to write. For the life of me, I just could not get started.

Right now, I just can’t believe that the first quarter of the year has come and gone. Stuff – be it work or personal, pops up and there are still LOADS to do. I thought I barely started the year. Where did all that time go?!

In the same breath, I can’t seem to catch a break either, as, just as I thought I almost got to an”OK” stage, something else happened to upset the balance.

In the week back in Bangkok following our Singapore trip, each and every one of Grubbs ‘n Critters family took turns being sick. Fever, coughs, flu…the works. Our Nanny included. Spud started the whole thing going pretty much the very night when we arrived in Bangkok with fever over 39 degree Celsius. For us, it meant not much sleep happened for several nights thereafter.

3 days later, I caught her bug. I steeled myself back to work, but by Friday night, I was rendered useless. Both Mother and Daughter spent most of our time on the couch  drifting in and out of sleep over the weekend nursing our flu. The house has never been so quiet! Whilst Spud got better after almost a week of rest at home riding out her fever, I got progressively worse. By then, our Nanny had also started with her sniffles and coughs.

Squirt pretty much followed suit quickly. And, for someone who has hardly ever been sick since he was born, Squirt was quite a sorry sight as his fever soared to a high 39.4 degree Celsius that very weekend, sending us into a little frenzy as we tried to bring his fever down.

Squirt continued to be feverish for almost a week and in between his discomfort and whines, he managed a weak “This is no fuuuuunnnnn!” cry before he puked all over his bed. Funny little guy. It didn’t matter how lousy I felt from the nasty flu, but when the kids are sick at the same time, somehow a mother just goes on auto-pilot; refusing to believe that she isn’t quite the superwoman she sets out to be!

And that had added a few more broken nights for me, sick and all,  before I was due to travel out again for work late last week. On the day I flew out, Silver Bullet caught the bug. Also all the works…plus…2 sick, pukey kids and having to depend on our Nanny whom, by then, also had the full-blown flu!

So, no. Last week and a half had not been fun for all of us. Squirt was still nursing the last remnants of his fever when I arrived back home 3 days later but the good news is, at least all of us are already starting to feel a lot better now. Hopefully that stays because right now, all I want is just a little damn break. And I want sleep!

Being away and unwell for several days also meant that I hardly had the time to catch up with >60 other blogs I follow with more than 200 posts which I meant to read. I barely managed my own blog and truly, finding the time to write has become a challenge. So my apologies here if there has been a delay to moderate and/or reply to your comments.

I remember reading a blogger’s post (for the life of me I struggle to remember who!) who mentioned that she actually took the day off from work to catch up on reading blogs – oh how I wish I could do the same! Given a choice, I would do nothing but blog all day! How do YOU manage to put up several posts every day? That’s really an incredible feat!

With several work deadlines looming in the next few weeks, I am already feeling a little disheartened that I may not be able to keep my head focused and coherent to be blogging regularly. I hate that!

Yet, I have also been ambitious enough to sign up for Word Press Writing 101 that’s happening in April.  Crazy anyone?

Credit: Google Image

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