January 24, 2016

Sunday Humour: Teed Off

Category: Entertainment

If golf balls could talk…


Credit: Google Image


Not that I’m a golfer or anything like that, but I can totally see the humour in this one! I suppose that guy on the couch is the putt tee? He looks kind of weird. Ahh! The joys of lame jokes (which I incidentally happen to like!)

Here’s counting to more funny days!

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  1. Ha, ha….you’re cute. The guy on the couch is a tee ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Heee..hehe!
      Ahh! Thanks for pointing it out, Jas. See I wouldn’t have known. :p Actually, that’s what my husband said after he saw the post…I jsut wasn’t listening very well at that time. I need to revise that!

  2. Ha, ha, ha!!
    Too funny!

  3. On the couch is the golf ball and on the chair is the tee. Hysterical cartoon. I love puns and this one is full of them.


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