June 4, 2017

Sunday Humour: Roller Coaster

Category: Entertainment

Would you, or wouldn’t you?

Source: Google Image

What would you do?

Here’s to yet another wonderful week. Hoping it will not be some crazy roller-coaster ride with nuts and bolts that are OFF. 

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  1. Or just leave on the floor of the car for the next rider to find. That could be fun!

  2. No, I would not. To me, a prank that would cause a person to think their life could be in jeopardy is a prank that goes to far.
    Visit me @ Life & Faith in Caneyhead. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • You are absolutely right in that as well, Barbara. Sometimes, prank can get too far and a line has to be drawn somewhere. What seems funny to one may not be to the other person. That’s definitely something to think about! Thanks for sharing your comments. ๐Ÿ™‚


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