June 4, 2017
Sunday Humour: Roller Coaster
Category: Entertainment
Would you, or wouldn’t you?
What would you do?
Here’s to yet another wonderful week. Hoping it will not be some crazy roller-coaster ride with nuts and bolts that are OFF.
Or just leave on the floor of the car for the next rider to find. That could be fun!
Haahhahaha! that’s be hilarious to watch from a distance. :p
No, I would not. To me, a prank that would cause a person to think their life could be in jeopardy is a prank that goes to far.
Visit me @ Life & Faith in Caneyhead. ๐
You are absolutely right in that as well, Barbara. Sometimes, prank can get too far and a line has to be drawn somewhere. What seems funny to one may not be to the other person. That’s definitely something to think about! Thanks for sharing your comments. ๐