March 27, 2016
Sunday Humour: Perkatory
Category: Entertainment

The discovery of a new word always excites me. Especially words that are educational in nature. Bonus points for one that does not necessarily make sense.
Perkatory is a grrreaaaat word. That’s how I feel every day as I wait in line for my first cup of coffee every morning. Spell check and Grammarly, however, do not think so because it keeps giving me the wriggly red line with suggestions to change.
Here’s to a cup of coffee and not being in a situation of pur kah tawr ē.
Definition #2 – needing a cup of coffee while waiting for the coffee to brew.
That too! Very annoying when that happens and the coffee just cannot brew fast enough!
Well I’d rather wait in a teapot (perkatory) than in Hell… (the other one!) I love this type of workplay, though I’m not nearly as nifty as many of my writing buddies. Happy Easter to you and thank you for the Sunday smile.
Hehehheee! I love the word perkatory. My vocab just grew by one more word! LOL. Happy Easter to you too and glad this brings a smile to you. 😀