July 26, 2015
Sunday Humour: One of those days
This has been my week:

Actually, a week is putting it mildly. It has been like that for several months now on the work-front and at present, I am feeling very connected to the quote.
There was this one meeting when I shared the economic outlook and when I got to the GDP number, the person in question had adamantly disagreed with the number that was being presented. He vehemently disagreed with what I put up and in a very condescending tone, told me off that I should not share the figures outside the room, because according to him, it looked ridiculous.
It was ONE number. And, it was a GDP number quoted by several credible sources such as The World Bank and the Bank of Thailand. Go argue with those.
He went on a rant for a good 5 minutes, almost berating its (or rather my) stupidity. I then asked nicely what he thought the number should be and he told me to change it to 1.5% lower. I then calmly told him that because it was an official forecasted figure quoted consistently across several articles and news sources, it was not something I could dispute, but we would,back in the office, monitor the numbers and adjust accordingly as the economy changes.
I had several WTFs per hour going on in my head as he continued to dismiss the numbers, as HE, did not believe it to be so. I bit my tongue with telling him that perhaps, he should just take up the issue with THE World Bank and THE holyness Bank of Thailand. Ask them to change the numbers.
I smiled instead.
It was later in between his rants of how wrong we were on the forecasted number that he let it slip: That if the GDP looks “good”, he would have to answer to his management as to why he can’t make his sales. Ahhhh! That explains it all. It was his ass on the line. I guess his bosses are not very literate with Google.
In the end, I had to laugh (in my head, not directly at him while we were at it!). As soon as we got out of the building, we laughed at the ludicrity and the absurdness of it all. My eyeballs suffered a severe sprain from having to roll them to the back of my head and back. Crazy people I deal with, no!
The world is a funny place. Or maybe it’s just Thailand. Oh! The story of my life.
Here’s to better days!
Some people are just stupid 😀
LOL. Or just bloody ridiculous! :p