May 14, 2017

Sunday Humour: Not A Love Story

Category: Entertainment

Food for thought:

Credit: Google image

Looking back, why students were made to study Romeo and Juliet for our English Literature was wrong on so many levels. It now sounds so kindergarten. On Shakespeare, I’ve always appreciated Merchant of Venice much, much more. 

Admit it if you are one of Romeo and Juliet fans. (I wasn’t one of them.)

Now go read something else and have yourselves  a wonderful week. 


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  1. That’s why it’s a tragedy. 6 people dies because these two kids were infatuated. I prefer Hamlet or Midsummer Night’s Dream ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kids! :p
      I like Hamlet too. I read it for fun when I was a student. Midsummer Night’s Dream only in the movie and I have Ally McBeal now in my head!

  2. Yeah, I’m with Eric on this one. Tragic story … interesting read with good lines, but there is SO much better Shakespeare! You’re so right. I never read Merchant of Venice, but I loved Hamlet and MacBeth. Right now I’m on a kick of reading English history, both historical fiction and nonfiction, and it makes me want to read his plays about the kings! We never touched those in school, and I know why – the “story” plays are probably more entertaining. Sigh.

    • I cannot agree more that there are so much better Shakespeare than this one. Like Merchant of Venice! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I used to memorise the lines pretty well as I studied it for 2 years in my English Literature class. It was funnily enough, fun for me. I couldn’t read McBeth for some reason, but OK with Hamlet! SO weird. I later found out there was a Merchant of Venice movie with Al Pacino as the main character. We still have the DVD tucked somewhere in our boxes. LOL. I think I’m gonna try watch that again.


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