December 25, 2016

Sunday Humour: All I want For Christmas

Category: Entertainment

Somewhere in the world, it is still Christmas Eve and this would not be too much to ask for, would it?

Credit: Google Image

Well..of course there are the elves to help too!

From this little hole in the Netherlands, here’s wishing you a 100% very Merry Christmas. Take it easy. Relax. Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Do not diet. Smile. If you look hard enough, you’ll probably find the instructions on the label of your shirt or pants or underwear.


Credit:Google Image

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  1. Love those instructions! Merry Christmas!!!!

    • Thought you might! I bet you are going to be looking at labels closely, now! :p Mewweeey Chwisshmesh, Jas! xoxox.

  2. Now those are instructions I can follow! Hope you had a great day!


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