June 1, 2017
Squirt Turns 5
Dear Squirt,
What?! 5 already? Get back in here. In my tummy. NOW.

2 years ago when we celebrated your sister’s 5th birthday, you just turned 3. That didn’t seem too long ago. This is our second 5th birthday in the family and so, this birthday thing is getting a little old.
For that, we are not going to be celebrating your birthday. It’s too boring.
Of course I’m kidding.
I don’t think you’ll let us get away without a celebration and inviting some people over now that you actually KNOW the dates in the calendar. Besides, you have been nagging us with some of the toys you wanted for your birthday from months ago.
Toys which you aren’t going to get; like the skelter (go-cart) which you so very much wanted.
The answer to that is unfortunately NO. Otherwise, all others could be a fair game. I said could depending on the absurdity, price and durability. This letter though is virtually free, and someday you are going to be reading this. It’s a good gift in my opinion.
Do you remember your birthday last year? It was your first birthday in a new country, a new home and with no friends. About a month later, you scared the crap out of me when you fell off the steep stairs in our new home. Luckily nothing major happened.
So far, that was the last of it; it’d better bloody be.
Like the little dare-devil that you are, there’s always something you do or did to make my heart skip a thousand time faster. I hate that feeling; I can’t stand it. No mother would.
Yet, despite your dare-devil ways, I find it endearing that you did not like the fast octopus ride we took at the town fair several months ago. You screamed your head off and when it wouldn’t stop, you froze and buried your face in your hands as you glued your hands to the handle bar while I held you ever so tightly.
You walked out of that ride swaying like a drunkard. That was a pretty rough ride, wasn’t it? No, I didn’t like it either. I was so afraid you’d somehow get thrown out of that octopus! Nope. Never again. Not till you are older. Much older.
You are growing up too fast, my boy. As with running and talking, you run and talk too fast and too much. Your Dutch is a far cry from the limited vocab you had a year ago and your English is deteriorating. You appreciation for music is beginning to come through and your understanding of the world around you is expanding.
While you have your stubborn and exceptionally whiny streak, you generally are obedient and pleasant to be with. One thing that still has not changed about you is your sense of affection towards the people around you.
If anything, I dare say that you are the most affectionate kid I have ever known. Be it to give or be given, you like the kisses and hugs. Your smile would light up even the darkest room.
There is no doubt that you really are one of the most easy-going dudes around. Whenever we are out, there’s always a kid or two (or several) who would call after you. At times even adults.
Granted, we live in a small village, but sometimes it feels like you are becoming our little ambassador in the area where we live. You would always respond back warmly and most times, you have no qualms running over to them and smother them with your contagious hugs. Oh such shamelessness!
Good shameless. But shameless nonetheless.
You are such a happy kid, Squirt. And not to mention a good cuddler too. I’ve been amazed at how well and seamless you have gone through the changes of life and tribulations we have had so far. Like a true trooper, you just chug along and enjoy the ride.
There are however a few things I do not approve of: Pulling your pants down in public places, mooning your friends in school, picking up bad languages in Dutch and head-butting people you know just-because, are all not acceptable. Please remember that.
And oh! For the love of God, please also stop sucking your thumb. Else that corn you have been tending to, would likely be growing to the same size of your hands! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
You look so knackered these days when we pick you up from the day-care at the end of the day. It’s a long day and for a young kid like you, I know it’s hard for you to keep up. Yet that trooper in you trudges on as you try to stay awake through dinner.You fall asleep in no time after your shower; that’s always a blessing.
You know what else is a great breakthrough? That you have not had an accident of wetting your bed at night for months now. In fact, there are nights when you wake yourself up to go to the bathroom to pee. All by yourself. Kudos my son!
To the happiest child I know, happy, happy birthday my little man.
Here’s to many, many more years of affection, love and happiness all around. Let all the joy spread to every single bone in your body and transgress to the rest of those around you.

With much love,
Aw, happy big 5, Squirt!
Ann, I always love reading your birthday letters to the kids. You have such a tender way with words.
I’m glad he likes to moon his friends, lol. My granddaughter who’ll turn 5 in August likes to lift up her shirt (so far only in front of the family) or on occasion secretly omits wearing underwear to school. I’ve been really concerned with that behavior especially that she is an exceptionally smart child (teachers’ words). So, I’m hoping it’s just a 5-yo phase and they’ll both soon develop that sense of shame.
Wishing him everything his little heart desires, except the toys that can harm him 🙂
Awwwww.that’s so sweet of you, Jas! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it and I plan to keep doing this, every year until I cannot anymore. That’s their inheritance. 😉
That mooning thing though….urrrggghh! Why does he do that, I don’t understand. He does that in public too sometimes. Like you said, I hope it’s a phase too. He still insist on wearing underwear, so I’m not worried. And yes, I remember your grand-daughter’s birthday is close to my daughter’s too! Only I’m terrible at remembering dates. :p
And thank you for your wishes, Jas! I’ve sent my son your wishes AND kisses as well! muuuacks
How wonderful! Your little boy is a young man now..:-) I bet He won’t let you kiss him more often!
How time flies…Happy Birthday Squirt!
Oh he still does! He loves kisses, but as long as I don’t have lipstick on. LOL
Thank you for the wishes, Christina! x.
So sweet!! 💕
🙂 Thank you!
Happy birthday to him! What a lovely tribute!! He sounds like such a sweet boy. Let’s hope the mooning is just a phase. 😀
Thank you, Katherine! 😀 He really is one sweet boy – when he listens. :p You have noooo idea how I’m hoping that the mooning phase is over! It’s ridiculous!
Beautiful letter. Happy Birthday little dude. Sounds like my 5 year old (who’s about to be 6 *GASP*) loud, dirty, and so loving… Hope he had/has a great day!
Thank you, Eric! 😀 Squirt has had some wonderful days. Now we have run out of threats when he doesn’t behave as in, ” do that and you will miss your cake and bday celebration”
Aaackkk! 6! Wow! Counting the days. Are you going to wrap his door with a wrapper again? LOL.
Oh, Ann, “Get back in my tummy, right now”. I too have thought this exact same thing with my boys who have grown so fast. Such a wonderful letter. I shared this on my Facebook page @SirChocolateBooks.
Oh..! Thank you, Robbie! Thank you so much for sharing on FB and I truly appreciate it. I’m so glad you like it. My blog has a rather inactive FB presence…so excuse me if I don’t find you there. :p
Kids..they grow up so fast! I couldn’t wait for them to get out when they were in. Now they are truly out, we want them back in! LOL.