October 1, 2009
There is definitely something different in the weather today. It has been raining quite a bit in the last few days, but today, it feels especially gloomy, dark, wet, steely… unfriendly. Almost sinister. Usually, I love the wet, cloudy and rainy weather. I love the smell of warm, fresh rain…but for some reason, just not today.
Today I feel sluggish. I had to summon all possible effort to drag myself out of bed this morning, away from the comfort of my warm duvet and the affectionate cuddles of a snuggly cat before I even realised that it probably has been raining the whole morning. It has also been ages since I have had to bring along a brolly to work today. I was however, feeling optimistic that the sluggish feeling would fade away as I walked to work with my 80 baht dainty-looking brolly, accompanied by all sorts of thoughts in my head. I was almost certain that my usual cup of coffee would perk me up eventually. 8 hours later in the office, I realised the sluggish feeling never really did disappear.
Today just feels strange. I’m probably just sluggier than the slugs could ever be; perhaps even enough to ooze out those sticky juices them slugs ooze out, just so that I can latch on to something effortlessly. My little brains are just not processing things as efficiently as they should. They are all sluggishly mushed up.
The sky too, is getting darker at an earlier time, as darkness sneaked in quickly at 5.55 pm here. That’s really early as compared to other days so far. I reckon the weather change has everything to do with me feeling sluggish.
I’m declaring today the official start of my Slug Day as I desperately begin counting down to a weekend of slothhood.
Ketsana approaches …