May 15, 2017

Taking the scenic route of Flevoland

Not quite a long road trip, but a road trip nonetheless as we decided to head north of the country a few weekends ago.  To Drenthe (again!) we went, though a different part of Drenthe this time.

We made a short weekend out of it and stayed overnight in Frisland before driving on to meet up with one of our old friends from Bangkok who have now also made the Netherlands their temporary home. For the kids, it was like reuniting with long-lost friends!

Our stay in Frisland was cold (there was no heater at night) and uneventful, but we did booked ourselves in a cabin surrounded by nature where the kids can run around to their little hearts’ content.  

The cabin somewhere in Frisland called Molecaten Park t’Hout
Hop around…hop around…

Did I ever mention that spring is really a beautiful time of the year to drive along in this country? Because as we made our way over  and back, we were greeted by many a field of tulips in all sorts of colours.

They were too beautiful to ignore and on our way back home, we took a scenic route and decidedly stopped at one of the many fields in Flevoland to look at the tulips up, close and personal. We had to!

Only because stopping by one of those wild fields has indeed become our annual family pilgrimage. It may be different fields every time, every year and not quite the Keukenhof but we still had a great deal of fun walking (carefully) about the fields, taking photos as well as take in the stunning sights we see right before our eyes.

How the sun shone bright!
A beautiful field in Flevoland filled with lilac-tipped tulips
Large tulip fields nicely line up
Let’s hop again!
Jump up, jump up and get down!
A panaromic view of the field

You could argue that after seeing one, you’d see hundreds and then everything sorts of look the same. I beg to differ.

They may look the same from afar, but there’s always subtle differences in the colours, shades and variety being planted. Plus the fact that they would last long enough for the flowers to be hacked off because they are planted only for their bulbs only means that you are catching this stunning view on borrowed time!

They truly are one of the most panaromic sights you could ever seen! They would leave you speechless. I did.

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  1. Gorgeous!! So when you say these are planted for the bulbs, does that mean just the bulbs are harvested to be sold? Or the flowers are sold also?
    I am AMAZED at how MANY there are in the field!!! You are indeed lucky to see them every spring, and I too would feel like every field is unique and deserves a close up look.

    • That’s right, Katherine. The bulbs are harvested to be sold/imported and anywhere outside Holland, they get really expensive! By then the flowers are mostly fully bloomed and I think they are pretty much worthless. If they are sold, it would also be very cheap and likely the end of their life.
      It really has been amazing to be able to see the landscape changes day after day after day. It’s really been amazing and definitely my favourite time of the year!

      It’s also true that each field is unique. Too lovely to ignore and so many times we wanted to pull up. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the farmers), not all the fields are accessible. :p

  2. Look at all those tulips! How very beautiful! For how long have you now been in Holland again?

    • I know right?! ๐Ÿ˜€ Funny you asked, Sandra. It would exactly be one full year in Holland this Thursday!

  3. Robbie Cheadle

    Amazing photographs! I have never been to the Netherlands but it really looks so beautiful. I absolutely love tulips, they are my favourite flower.

    • I hope seeing the tulips in pictures would nudge you a bit more to come to the Netherlands in the Spring. And if you ever, ever do Robbie, holler out! ๐Ÿ˜€
      Tulips are my absolute favourite as well. I hear the petals can be eaten, but I wouldn’t dare! LOL

      • Robbie Cheadle

        I will definitely let you know if we head over in your direction. You are certainly making it look very attractive. Have a lovely weekend, Ann.

  4. That looked like fun trip! Lost of hopping and jumping around. Love the photos, too. I’ve seen some of the productions that go on to ship tulips around the world. It’s wild!

    • Oh yeah..that was fun. Short, but fun and it’s really pretty out here. Nothing like seeing those tulips still stuck to the ground.


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