February 16, 2009
Roti Jala
Made Roti Jala over the weekend. Looks like a simple, simple meal but it does take quite sometime to whip it up. Good thing I enjoy cooking tremendously and if it means spending a little extra time in the kitchen to dish up something yummy, I’ll gladly do it. There is also a feeling of satisfaction to see other people enjoying the food you prepared. It’s worth all the effort.
When I was living at home, mom sometimes make Roti Jalas over the weekends and I would help her with the task of jala-ing. That means, I have to be on my feet for a couple of hours making individual lacy crepes till all the batter are done with a special Roti Jala cup. This cup has 5 small holes. To get the lace-like pattern, you have to move the cup with some batter in it, in a circular motion onto a non-stick hot pan. Once it’s cooked, you can fold it into a rectangular or triangular shape.
Roti Jalas are usually eaten with curry and I prepared a beef curry with taters right from scratch, to be enjoyed with the Rotis. Another of Mom’s recipe on the table!
This dish is usually hard to come by commercially and I don’t know that many places in Singapore which sells Roti Jala on a regular basis, either. I reckon it’s usually being served up at home for a fancy-free, humble meal. This is one of the dish I know which will get Aunty Antsy salivating, for sure.