November 14, 2015
A Re-Blog: The Mind of a Child
Sandra, over at A Momma’s View posted an image on her blog recently that haunted me for days. The graphic was pretty disturbing. It’s not easy to get that image out of my skull, yet it hits the nail on the head and I just had to re-blog her very poignant post.
How very true and what a great illustration of what’s happening if we don’t control our words…
Words can hurt. They can hurt badly and they can leave deep scars. Sometimes we will never be able to forget what has been said to us and how those words made us feel. Please choose your words wisely, especially when you talk to your kids…
Originally posted here. Do go mosey over and read her other posts as well!
It is sometimes hard to keep words under control, especially in a state of anguish, but as parents, we do have a responsibility to filter our words. The truth is that kids absorb everything, and the constant use of unsavoury words on them would be damaging to their well-being in the long run.
It really ain’t right to call them names (apart from little monkeys! in my books) and belittle their beings with harsh words that are just not meant for them. This image will be etched in my head for a very, very long time.
Thanks for the reblog. I will never get rid of that image either…
Most welcome Sarah. It was an incredible post – too poignant for me to ignore. Thank YOU. 🙂
That is one powerful image. I hope more parents and would-be parents could read this post.
It is, isn’t it Lux. That image stayed in my head for a while too. And I hope you can share it so more parents and would-be parents could read it, too. Have a wonderful weekend. x. 🙂
Yes… I recall as a teacher we had a behaviour consultant come to the school and tell us that as primary school teachers with an average class of 30 children, we will directly speak to each child approximately 6 times a day. And statistics showed that teachers spoke negatively twice as often as praising… I was shocked – and determined to ensure if I could say something positively, rather than negatively, I would and that each child in the class would be praised at least once a day. I no longer teach children, but I follow the same principle with adults and it really works. Obviously, you cannot be stupidly vanilla – I happen to have quite a sharp sense of humour, but my mission is to ensure everyone who walks through the door has a warm welcome and positive, empowering comments to help them produce the best work they can. And no… sharp DOESN’T mean sarcastic. I LOATHE sarcasm in the classroom, particularly against children as they have no defence against it and it should be treated as verbal abuse.
Sarcasm against children is a terrible thing to do and you are right that they have no defense against it. The thing is they learn by watching what others do, and inevitably follow the example. It’s a vicious cycle. Thank you for sharing your deep thoughts, Sarah! I hope that we all can take your advise of at least 1 praise a day.
OMG that really is a powerful image isn’t it! it should be posted in every health centre etc to remind parents and other adults of how impresionable children are.
I second that! Definitely scarily powerful.
Powerful image.
Indeed, Linda. Indeed.
It’s also a great reminder to guard what they watch, read and hear. I listen to my kids’ friends talk about the things that they have seen on television or in movies. I can’t believe their parents don’t seem to be concerned about protecting their precious minds. Sometimes my kids complain that we protect them too much, but I reminded them that everything they see or hear stays in their brain forever.
They are sponges! Scary to think about how much they could absorb, especially all the bad stuff which at their young age they don’t know any better. Like you said, things stay in their brains forever (But probably lose it when they get to 40 and then they become scatter-brained. :p) and concerning that some parents are not consciously protecting their precious minds.
On the other hand, though, as much as I want to bubble wrap them, I guess we cannot protect them forever. There could be a case of what they don’t get from their parents for whatever reason, they’d get to it themselves behind their parents’ back. 🙁 Hopefully, they’ll come to learn the art of filtering. Parenting is a constant education and life-long learning with no graduation date don;t you think?
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment, Casey. SO glad to have you! 😀