February 20, 2017

A Re-Blog: February 2017 Share and Inspire Others! BREAD – Sweet and Savory

Category: Challenges

The start of this week comes with a feature in the form of a re-blog of a recipe exchange program I participated a few weeks back with The Recipe Hunter.

Don’t be confused – this is different from the February’s Recipe Showdown which I’m hosting for this month (and this month only!) and of course, the Monthly Mystery Munchies which has been running for almost 2 years (!) now.

While my blog is not exclusively about food and recipes, I love participating in cooking games.  They are inspiring challenging and most importantly, fun. For this particular one, I sent in 2 of my bready recipes: Banana Bread Perfection and Kaas Uien Brood.

Both were featured in The Recipe Hunter’s blog rather pre-maturely…along with others as the author just can’t wait to share her compilation. Looking at a little snippet of her post below, I am not at all surprised for there are plenty of wonderful bread creations out there!


February 2017 Share and Inspire Others! BREAD – SWEET AND SAVORY


I know, I know, I am early in releasing this post, but look at all the wonderful recipes we received for our Februay 2017 Share and Inspire Others!  BREAD – SWEET AND SAVORY Recipe Exchange.  I just had to share this immediately with you all!!  Thanks again for all the awesome entries.

Remember to check  The Recipe Hunter Blog as the new theme for March will be released on 1st March.

Hop on over to Cook and Enjoy Recipes to view the original post.

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  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reblogging and your participation and awesome recipes. Hope to see you participating again in March with our new theme which will be announced on 1st March.


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