June 12, 2014

Quote of the day


For a good part of my life, I have always believed that while one can go on chasing dreams and ideals, but when it comes to chasing people, I subscribe to what Will Smith said. I find it true that the chaser usually feel that they have something to prove, and unfortunately, most tend to end up as a sore loser if they could not get what they want. A bitter, resentful loser when things don’t go their way.

While everyone needs a nudge every now and then, chasing people just to prove your worth or make a statement or think that it is your right to chase because you feel entitled, is all wrong in every level.

At the end of the day, it is all about free will. Doing your own thing and work hard while at it without expecting any immediate return is a virtue by itself. I do believe that if you are honest in the way you lead your life, somehow things will just fall into place. Nothing good will ever come out of being manipulatively evil. After all, while you make your life what you want it to be, isn’t life is somewhat…destined?

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