June 6, 2012
Pregnant 2nd time round
Category: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
My being pregnant for the second time round was never intended to be a big, fat secret even though I have never broached up the subject in my blog.
Rather, my reason(s) for not mentioning anything about it is largely because of my entire personal sentiments towards pregnancy and being pregnant – something which I wrote about a couple of years ago following Spud’s arrival.
My thoughts about it haven’t changed since. (The post can be found here.)
The second pregnancy was of course, not without worries. This time round, we were saddled with a real fear of me carrying a Down baby. The odds from the initial blood test were worrying enough to warrant an amniocentesis test. It was not the most fun period, and the way the result was delivered to me almost made me piss in my pants – a story for another post.
While my second pregnancy was quite different from the first one, I still say that there is nothing enjoyable about being pregnant. I suffered from almost similar side effects, and I never have actually enjoyed my entire pregnancy – both first and second time. The only main differences I can remember were these:
- I was throwing up several times a day, every day,right up to the 7th – 8th month of my pregnancy
- I had the most atrocious sciatic nerve pain for most part of the pregnancy
- I was craving for more sour food. The more sour it is, the more I want it!I lived for sour stuff.
- I REJECTED chocolates! In fact, I did not care for it – which essentially is pretty weird considering what a chocoholic I have always been
- I did not have that much appetite for food – any kind of food. As a result, I did not put on as much weight as I did with my first pregnancy (hurray!)
- I only wanted Coke/Pepsi or Ginger Ale – beverages which I have given up a long while back and in the case of Ginger Ale, something which I don’t usually care about. The craving was intense, especially at breakfast!
- I did not have very much patience (or faith!) in people and fellow human beings
- I, however, did not have super major case of water retention like I did previously. In fact, I did not even swell up and I am able to still wear both my wedding and engagement ring right up to the day.
Being pregnant is a strange thing. To this day, I don’t quite understand how so many women had claimed that they enjoyed their pregnancy. I am certain that those statistics does not include me as I stayed uncomfortably pregnant throughout the entire time.
This was me at 39+ weeks- and not looking very glam.
In any case, all things considered, everything had gone well this time round. In fact, way beyond my expectation – and this was right up to the day when I was discharged from the hospital.
All in all, I am just glad that this being pregnant thing is officially over. In fact, I am quite relieved that this is something which I don’t have to go through again in the years to come. Ever.
As I have said before, I.AM.DONE.
The only thing I will miss though will be the regular foot rubs emphatically administered by Silver Bullet almost every day. I don’t really have any excuses to get foot rubs from him now that Squirt is out. Heh!
More stories and pictures from the recent days coming this way!