July 24, 2017
Prediction: Six Weeks of Chaos!
The start of a very long summer vacation has begun. It started before mid-day last Friday and the kids are over the moon because school is now officially out.

This means that the kids have absolutely nothing to do for a whole six weeks. Whole.SIX.Weeks! That’s a long time of play, play, play all day. That’s just brutal!
Then, they get to be bored shitless out of their skulls and because they have too much time on their hands, there’ll be extra mayhem by the end of the 3rd week.
This would often marked with the both of them constantly in each other’s way as they make a sport out of annoying the hell out of each other.Because they can.
We’ve already seen the signs and it’s only going to get worse as each day goes by.
For us parents, the work day continues with business as usual. It’s also the most expensive months since the kids would rake up full day of daycare hours as parents would have to be at work.
Our respite comes in the form of parents in their kind offer to take in the kids for a few days and spoil them rotten.
For us that means monetary savings from the daycare, a little sanity check of not having to rush to the daycare to pick them up in time as well as a few days of peace and quiet before (their) bedtime and during (their) waking hours into breakfast.
In the weekends, the chaos would be ours. Because, while at their grams, the 2 monkeys would decidedly be the prefect role model as the most well-behaved kids in town. Then suddenly, all hell will break loose the moment they see us walk through the door to bring them home.
It happens all the time.
So predictable they are that I can virtually see the fights unfolding right before my eyes. In fact, it started already this morning.
Although, the advantage was ours: they were swiftly dropped off at the daycare, allowing us to shirk our parenting responsibilities to a few other adults.
But maybe, just maybe…this time, the weekends would be different. They both are a little older now and perhaps they’ll tone down on being disruptive. They’ll miss us so much that they WILL behave. Maybe they would learn to clean up better too!
Well, a mother could hope, no! After all, don’t we all need a little distraction?
Oh gosh!!! Poor you…. At least it’s only 6 weeks, right?! Boy, what a short “summer” for them, though… ๐
LOL. Yeah.. six “short” weeks… :p It’s mayhem galore. ๐
hi, i love your site and found your name from eli, whose blogs i love too –
best, beth
Hello Beth! Thank you for stopping by and I’ll certainly drop by yours, too. ๐ Have a wonderful weekend!
I came via Eli’s Six Words, but I love your blog. Sweet!
Hello McGuffy!Glad you came by and thank you! You just made my day. ๐