January 21, 2009
Pompous Gen-Yers No More?
Who says having a degree, any form of degree, is everything? Gen-Y, being the most educated generation of all times, apparently are facing difficulties getting a job. Obviously, they tend to think they are more privileged and therefore “deserve” more; not willing to accept a lesser salary for the work that they do. Based on past experiences, fresh uni grads tend to be a bit more pompous and at the same time, selective even calculative of the type of the work that they have to do. They usually are not willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. They feel it’s beneath them. Given that mentality, I’d rather hire someone who did not get to uni, yet willing to persevere, learn and appreciate what hard work means. There’s more value to these people as opposed to uni grads who harp on their all-mighty university education. I couldn’t care less.
Time to eat a humble pie, don’t you think. We have to start small and work our way up. Nothing comes easy. Money can buy you plenty of degrees but not the work experience. I know of an MBA Graduate, majoring in English, yet can’t even string a proper sentence of English. Sad. Goes to prove that having a degree is nothing but just a bloody piece of paper.