February 20, 2014

Being outsmarted

Category: Critter Stories

Squirt really does have his moments when it comes to being “difficult”. When he is adamant to getting to what he wants, he has proven that come hell or high water, he is going to get his way.

Case in point while we were out on an errand one afternoon:

Squirt was getting super, hyper-active and usually, that is symptomatic of him being extremely spent and over-tired. When he gets that way, he runs around like a headless chicken, climbs anything and everything he could get to, and does not want to be picked up. If you dare try to take anything away from him or pick him up, he would respond with a scream and a doomsday-everything-is-falling-apart cry as he squirms to get himself out of your clutches.

We were ending our day that day. Half an hour prior, he has already started to worm and squirm himself out of my grip earlier on and it was already a feat to chase him when he wanted out.  As a means of distracting him I offered him a quarter-full mineral bottle as I scooped him into my arms to get to the car. I was using my last and final burst of energy to prevent the little monkey of getting away.

Squirt was annoyed, but determined. He then threw the bottle I gave him earlier on to the floor, and while I thought that he had accidentally dropped it at first, I realized soon enough that he had actually done it on purpose; because , just when I squatted down to retrieve the bottle, the little monkey saw the chance to escape from me and ran off towards his Papa several meters away.

It then dawned on me that the cheeky monkey had actually figured out that when he dropped the bottle,  he knew full well that  I would have to bend down, and when I did that, I somehow would have to put him down first to pick the bottle up.

My reaction was slow, and only realized that he had already wormed himself  out of my hands when I picked up the bottle. He was not interested in the bottle, in fact he just ran away from it.  Oh the cheeky monkey! I have been outsmarted.

Squirt 1,Mama 0. Bloody hell.


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