June 25, 2015
An Odd Post: 4 counts to 100
Stats… is that tab on my dashboard which I’m not too hung up about. Not that I find it boring, but mainly as I don’t mull too much about it. I usually only gloss that follow counts on my right nonchalantly, knowing that it would not go up as quickly. And that’s OK. But today…today, I saw that I am only 4 counts away from hitting 100 follows. Four! Slow-going by most standards, post six months of putting this blog out into a blogging world but looking back, I outdid my goal of +100% follows by May (I had <30) with #Blogging 201. So…as of today, 4 is my count. 4 to a 100 follows. And as I know how hard it is to solicit any counts, I just want to draw your focus on my gist to crafting this post. I could do 115, but I had a lot to say and got to 227 words in a paragraph. If you look hard, you’ll concur that this was fun to craft. It’s not that difficult, just a bit tricky but I just had to try; although I could not do it without pausing. Could this up my count with 4 additional follows? I want you to try to do what I did. Can you jot down a paragraph without using an E?
This cool, odd post writing was inspired by Eric author behind All in A Dad’s Work who has skillfully worded his odd post here. It’s a great challenge!
Love this! Well done, I really didn’t know what to expect so kudos on the suspense buildup and I love the way you ended the story 🙂 Hopefully you’ll get those 4 new followers very soon! 🙂 xxx
Thanks Manny! It’s cool, isn’t it! Eric’s the brains behind that challenge. I didn’t think I was able to do it. Are you going to give it a shot? Would love to read your attempt at that! 🙂
Love how it escalated! Hard work always pays off!
Haha! Thanks Faraday! Give it a shot if you have some time. x.
How did I miss this post! Thanks Manny for pointing it out and linking back to it. Way to go! You had additional words than I did! Fantastic! And thanks for trying this provocation 😀
Yeah..how did YOU miss that?! LOL. The pingbacks to you got screwy again, it seems. Realised also the colours to the link are not showing (updated that!) It was a cool challenge, though. A brain exercise. I thought your post did sound a bit odd..until I got to the end. I literally went looking for the “E” in each and every word after that.Then a big “Wow-what!” moment. And that got me thinking; I can’t resist attempting it! Well done on this, Eric! 🙂
WOW! That’s crazy, a whole paragraph without an E! Kudos to you and I wish you a 104 more followers soon!
It is kinda crazy. Crazy fun. 🙂 I hope so too!! Thanks, JAs! xxx.