February 24, 2014

No-cream Quiche

Category: Grubbecipes

Quiche has never quite been my favourite food, but in the recent months, I have discovered that its simplicity is a life-saver if I want to whip up something really quick. When done right, it makes for a decent and hearty meal.

True to my calling, I meddled with the original recipe a little and added my own little twist to it. Here’s my recipe and one that has won the hearts and stomachs of both  Silver Bullet and Spud.

Fresh from the oven
No-cream Quiche
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  1. 5 eggs
  2. 1 half cup skimmed milk
  3. Half a cup evaporated milk
  4. 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  5. 300g- 400g minced beef
  6. Half an onion chopped finely
  7. 1 tablespoon curry powder
  8. 1 capsicum, sliced thinly
  9. A layer of ready-made dough (store bought)
  10. Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat the oven at 180 degree Celsius
  2. Saute chopped onions for a few minutes. Add in minced beef and curry powder.
  3. Stir well till beef is cooked. Set aside.
  4. Line an over container with dough and set aside
  5. On a separate container, whisk eggs and milk together
  6. Add in Parmesan cheese and stir well
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste
  8. Mix in the cooked beef together into the batter
  9. Pour all of the mixed ingredients into the container that was lined with dough
  10. Top with capsicum and put the container into the oven for about half an hour
Grubbs n Critters http://grubbsncritters.com/

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