March 23, 2017

All in A Dad’s Work has nominated me for this chore some weeks ago and I’ve been so far behind.
But! At least it gives me a reason to post something new to post apart from my regular Friday Flavours and Sunday Humour after what seemed like a blogging hiatus for weeks. So, really, this blog is not just about that. It’s supposed to be so much more (and it is!). Dankjewel Stomper Dad!
I’m supposed to reblog, repost, or copy and paste my very first post. Like Eric, I started on Blogger in 2008. That was 9 years ago with my very first post published on a Monday, December 15th. A very short one:
At long last
Ahh…Finally! After almost 4 years away from home and about almost 1 year procrastinating, here’s my very own homepage for family and friends back home to keep up to date with the on-goings of my life in Thailand.
Hopefully I can keep this up for what it’s worth.
See? That was THAT. Short. I did close the month with 34 posts in a span of 2 weeks. That means I was averaging several posts a day. I kept that up for months (even years!) on end. To no audience. How crazy was that?!
OK. Not no audience. Just a handful consisting only of close friends and family who’d care to pop over and find out what was going on my life since I was too lazy to call or email 10 people on a weekly basis when I moved away from home. I didn’t care for traffic. I wrote about anything and everything.
Almost 10 years later, my followers are still pretty small and for what it’s worth, I’m very thankful for all the connections made.
Here we come to the rules:
Obvious rules:
- No cheating. (It must be your first post. Not your second post, not one you love…first post only.)
- Link back to the person who tagged you (thank them if you feel like it or, if not, curse them with a plague of ladybugs).
Other rules:
- Copy and paste your old post into a new post or reblog your own bad self. (Either way is fine but NO editing.) (DONE)
- Put the hashtag #MyFirstPostRevisited in your title. (DONE)
- Tag five other bloggers to take up this challenge. (OKIE!)
- Notify your tags in the comment section of their blog. Don’t just hope they notice a pingback somewhere in their spam. (I’ll try!!!)
- Feel free to cut and paste the badge to use in your post.
- Include the rules in your post. (duh)
People who should also do this:
What a great idea!
Thank you Faraday! You should do it too if you have the time to scour through your first post. Consider yourself tagged! 🙂
Impressive! Short, sweet, and to the point. Wow… 9 years! Congrats. Thanks for playing along 🙂
Thank you for the tag, Eric! It’s hard to believe that it has been so long ago and my blog remains a niche! (a nicer word to nobody else reads it! :p)
Very cool! I didn’t realize you had been blogging that long 🙂
Too long..and no numbers to show for it! LOL. How embarassing right! Thank you for stopping by, April! You are one of my favourite bloggers around 🙂