October 25, 2011
Long weekend away
We spent the last long weekend away from Bangkok to join Silver Bullet’s parents for a short get-away in Pattaya. I guess it was a welcome break given the frantic circumstances of not knowing what to expect of the flooding situation in Bangkok.
The ride to and from Pattaya were smooth both ways with no signs of imminent flooding in sight.
Spud behaved pretty well in the one and half hour car ride, and we both heaved huge sighs of relief when she dozed off for an hour both ways.
As with any other vacation, we hardly ever rested with Spud around! She is always busy doing something and toddles around a lot; and I guess, thanks to us screwing up her routine, her day time naps were all over the place. She will not nap in her cot, and some days, she only napped once for 20 minutes.
For 3 straight days too, Spud’s all wide-eyed and bushy tailed before 6.30 am and on the day we had to check out of the hotel, she decided that she’ll reward us with a nice wail at 5.38 am, and refusing to go back to sleep! We are, however, glad that we have the grandparents to mind her every now and then when we both were too shattered to chase her around or having to be somewhere else to do other things.
It was tiring with Spud being super active and all, but it was fun to hang out with her and observe her antics for a few whole days. She had a blast playing in the pool with the full attention of FOUR adults, squealing in delight when she got a go in the swimming pool. We also took her to Wiggle Town – some sort of a playground for little tots which opens every day of the week!
While it was great to be on a short vacation and all, I was glad to finally be back home. I have become a creature of comfort these days, and I still prefer our own bed and not having to sleep with the air-conditioned on at night all the time, which screwed up my nose really bad, our own space, our own bathroom as well as really glad to finally be able to put Spud back in her own room!
I don’t know how other parents do it, but having Spud sleeping in the same room as us drives me up the wall! She whimpered in her sleep, I woke up. She moved and the bed creaked (she did this like every half an hour throughout the night every night), I woke up. She did her dream cry for 10 seconds several times a night, I woke up. She woke up wailing at 5.30 am and wanting to be picked up or she’ll raise hell, we had no choice but to wake up! At least, if she is in her own room, we still can ignore her for a little bit – which we always do!
So yes, in that respect, it was nice to be home after a long weekend. Only, I was a little bum that we had to do more work than we bargained for when we arrived at our apartment…
We got home to our bed being used as cat’s toilet as our nanny had accidentally locked Fudge in our bedroom when she came over on Sunday to feed the cats. Before she left, she apparently did not realise that had missed one cat behind a closed door.
Why she closed all the bedroom doors was beyond me…the poor cat was stuck in our bedroom for over 24 hours with no access to food, water and toilet. And, in trying to pry open the door with her claws. Fudge has inevitably damaged the carpet which the apartment has recently changed!
So yes, I was not too happy with the extra work that was created for us to wash and change our bed-sheets which was stinking with pee and poo…plus the damage which we now possibly have to pay for!
On top of that, Fudge went crazy and could not stop meowing for a few hours after that, as if trying to complain what a terrible time she had in the room! (yes, I know it was traumatic for you Fudge, but seriously, Spud’s already wailing, you need to stop this madness!)
She did my head in for a while.
I guess, in the end, it was nothing more than a typical welcome to our own home sweet home.
Here are some shots from the weekend at the pool: