April 26, 2013

Life to Her Years

Category: Being Parents

There is so much warmth to this post from Life to Her Years

Public displays of affection (PDA) between parents are not the most common thing to do within the Asian culture. When I was growing up, there were hardly any adults who would callously be showing some form of affection to their partners in front of their kids. With parenting in the Asian culture, PDAs tend to be regarded as something outside of most people’s comfort zone. It is just not done.


I am a big advocate of hugs and kisses, and now that we have our own kids, I can relate to the above so much more. It certainly is  important that kids are able to see and feel the love  and respect their parents have for each other, and that as parents, we could only instill and nurture such gestures of warmth to add life to their years.

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