May 15, 2017
The Liebstering Liebsters
Liebster: German for dearest, darling, liked or loved above all others.
One of my favourite Daddy Bloggers, Eric aka Stomper Dad aka the cool, educator Dad behind All in A Dad’s Work did it again! Amongst the many other awards he has bagged previously, he has once again been recently nominated for another Liebster from another renown blogger over at A Momma’s View.
This award is one of the coolest around. I feel honoured to receive yet another nomination from Eric. I mean, he’s not just Eric the American-Canadian Dad. He is also most of WP bloggers favourite Daddy Bloggers around.
And just when I thought that we have been a little dry on awards, there came a pingback. Thank you Eric for the nomination.
The rules state that I need to thank the person who nominated me. (Done!) Then I need to answer some questions, give some facts, nominate some others and give them some questions to answer. So here goes with the questions given to me. So here we go:
- How do you re-energize? Sleep. Lots of sleep! As well as long walks and having a quiet time of my own.
- What yearly salary would you consider “living comfortably”? This is a hard one. I suppose the best answer is “It depends”. As in it depends on what comfortable means to each one and where living comfortably would be. In the Netherlands, the average nett mean personal income that’s enough to get by would be about €25K-€26K annually. I suppose if there are no financial commitments €30K-35K would be reasonably comfortable. That’s 978K THB in Thailand which makes for a VERY comfortable lifestyle and in Singapore that’s just slightly breathable. Sheesh! I could write an entire post on this!
- If you met Mother Theresa, what would you ask her? What’s her biggest secret and confession?
- What ice cream flavor do you think your personality is like? Chocolate Mint: Not the most popular but always there to weather the storm and dependable.
- If your car had a super power, what super power would you like it to have? A huge layer of protective shield will appear in emergencies to ensure that the passengers are safe an dsound in case of accidents. Much like Violet Parr in The Incredibles.
- Do you have a plan for your blog for the long run? Does planning to keep writing count as a plan?
- Is there a word you avoid using? A word you don’t like? I try to avoid saying the eff word especially in front of the kids. I don’t like the words “I don’t know!”
- Do you have a favorite word? Hmmm…Dammit!
- If we communicated by playing musical instruments, what instrument would you communicate with? The Bass Guitar.
- Is there a time when something didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to, but in the end you were glad that it didn’t? Yes and Yes!
- What’s the best piece of advice you would give a new blogger?Blog authentically and always reach out to other bloggers often by leaving comments on their blogs or share their pieces. Most of all, play nice.
Next step: 11 “interesting” facts about myself (2 of which I took wholesale from Eric and the one is the exact opposite)
- I’m an introvert but with extroverted tendencies when the need arises
- I’m terrible at sucking up
- I can roll my tongue and I can flip it both directions
- I can also tie a cherry stalk with my tongue in no time at all!
- love it when it rains
- I’ve never come face-to-face with a Tornado in action (not like I ever would want to)
- I’m a concert junkie
- I don’t know how to skate
- I’m a better listener than I am a talker
- Making small talks tire me out
- I’m grumpy in the morning
Now to nominate 11 bloggers, I thought I’d give a shout-out to my most recent followers; not only for clicking on that follow me button, but for doing all that they do:
- Reading for Sanity Mom
- Sparkle with UC
- It’s Kate & Me
- Robbie’s Inspiration
- Amari Silver
- One Hungry Bunny
- Anchor Town Life
- The Recipe Hunter
- Welcome to the Nursery
- Witty Mummy
- JT Weaver
[An updated post because I forgot to include the 11 questions. DUH!] Here are your questions should you choose to accept…
- What’s your favourite time of the day and why?
- What TV series have you found to be so ridiculous?
- What’s the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
- If there’s one thing you could change in your life, what would it be?
- Any regrets?
- What word or phrase do you find to be most annoying?
- Name one thing you like about your other half.
- What’s your hidden talent?
- Can you share one of your favourite posts from your blog?
- Android or iphone?
- Do you believe in destiny?
This has been such an honour to write about. And even if you are not into doing the awards, this is my high-five and tip-on-the hat for you.
Congratulations on the award!!! Well deserved. I enjoy reading your blog a lot, especially to read some international bits and how it affects parenting. Good stuff!
Thanks for the nod! I appreciate it very much!! I will post soon.
Thank you, Katherine! Thank you for reading, staying and leaving me comments. That means a lot to me. 😀
Of course you are most welcome (hope the pingback worked!) and definitely looking forward to your answers.
Oh wait a minute..I just realised I forgot to post 11 questions! LOL. Check back for questions! :p
Most excellent answers! I love mint chocolate chip ice cream! I had mint Oreo ice cream and I think I would kill for that stuff. Would be interesting to hear you as a bass guitar 😀
Choc mint is the best. You’ll never get bored of it. I’ve had the oreo mint in biscuits, but never the ice-cream. Time to make my own! LOL
Hmm…I think you better take that back – I cannot play the recorder or any instruments for the life of me, let alone bass. I think the bass would be insulted and your ears would suffer instant damnation!! LOL.
A truly well deserved nomination for you xoxo Loved your answers!!!
Thanks, Sandra! x.