January 19, 2016

Letting the Cat out of the Bag

Category: Cats

The bag is WIDE open…

It’s red, not too flashy…

Kind of cheap

An open secret


Everyone sees it…everyone knows it

You can’t miss it, really

It’s right by the steps

The question remains: To be or not to be?


Do you really have to let the cat out of the bag?

Or do you just let her be?

P.S: I’m feeling kind of loopy

When I saw this picture of my cat, Fudge,  doing this:



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  1. Don’t cats see all opportunities!

    • All the time! She’s also probably trying to run away from the kids, but she’s not too smart with her choice. LOL

  2. Made me laugh. Thanks. My cat does the same and really loved boxes.

    • Hee..heee! Glad it did, John. Cats have a thing with boxes, plastic bags and strings it seems! Talk about cat who love boxes, have you ever seen a youtube video fo a cat called MAru? It’s hilarious!!

  3. Cute! Sweet name for a cat (literally!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hee..hee. Can you believe that my other cat is named Donut? Fudge and Donut…see my obsession! LOL

  4. Stu

    Lol ๐Ÿ™‚ very cute. It’s a long time since I had pet cats but the places we’d find them, curled up and with that ‘I know I shouldn’t be here but…’ expression ๐Ÿ™‚

    • They do that all the time isn’t it? Doing things they are not supposed to do! They are amusing though.


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