July 29, 2010

Just morbid

Category: Random

There really are some sick people out there! Whatever compelled this baker to make gruesome dismembered body parts out of bread is beyond me. Why they even call it as “art” baffles me to no end.

I could hardly find those bread appetizing; let alone try to eat it as if we are some cannibals. It is morbid, disgusting and disturbing! What an insult to food!

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  1. Kim

    Ok, despite my reservations, I clicked on your link to that article. (Morbidity reigned) Am so not happy that I did.

    I have no issues with death, cadavers and body parts. Heck, I even wanted to go for that Body World Exhibition by Professor Gunther von Hagen when it was in town. (But no kaki to go with – all chicken. Hmph)

    But hor, this one is quite a turn off. Perhaps the reason may be I am not an art aficionado and can not appreciate such extreme expression of his beliefs.

    While I can see the link between his religious beliefs and his artwork, I have to agree with you that it is quite stomach-turning.

  2. Vicky

    So sick!

    I remembered I cried as a little girl when my grandmother presented me with a small bun shaped like a tortoise. My brother just snatched it and popped it in his mouth! He said since I didn’t want to eat it, he will! 🙁

  3. #Kim:
    ur being kind in saying that u can see some link of religious beliefs and artwork…because I simply CANNOT! Try as I might, I just cannot see it. How?

    Eating in itself, though is already some kind of “religion”. but let’s keep it at that. No need for morbid stuff in the form of bread OR baking! :p

  4. #Vicky:

    Wonder if your bro will eat these morbid bread, u think? it is, afterall just BREAD…

    Oklah..u were a little girl, but a tortoise is hardly that bad as compared to dismembered body part.

  5. Kim

    The only link I saw was the bit about life being as transient as bread. =D


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